Yoga for the Immune system

Accredited by Yoga Australia

Originally a 2-day face to face course this course has been updated to become an interactive online course.

10 interactive modules

Theory:                 Powerpoints narrated by Annette

Practical:              Guided yoga practices and Case Studies based on each section of theory

CPD:                      14 hours

Cost:                      $300.00

Course Outcomes

At the end of this course you will have an understanding of:

The Immune System according to modern and emerging trends in Science;

The Immune System from a Yoga perspective;

Yoga practices that combine our knowledge of both.

This was a brilliant workshop and it has me even more excited to be a Yoga

Annette offered incredible insight on the latest research while showing what it
is to be a Yoga therapist in its greatest form. The workshop offered lots of
opportunities to experience yoga for the immune system, while being so
deeply informative. I left feeling the soothing effects of this stunning
form of yoga therapy.

Narelle Hunter

Annette is a kind and generous teacher who expertly communicated her deep knowledge of the subject matter and was able to interact with the student group and respond appropriately to queries. I appreciated her positive outlook and the kindness and gratitude she offered to the students when they shared personal stories. Her expert knowledge of the subject matter was both on a theoretical and practical level i.e. she had plenty of real life examples to draw upon.

Attendee at face-to-face course Sydney 2019 who wished her name withheld

Grateful & appreciative of the many years of work that Annette has put into all the content delivered during this workshop. Proud to inform all of my students before I teach a class that Annette is my mentor & it is her extensive work that has enabled me to share with them the practice of yoga as a remarkable therapy.

Tanya Olsson